fbpx Experienced Indoor Rock Climbing and Bouldering | Hub Climbing Mississauga

Packed with Features for Advanced Climbers

Arches, chimneys and overhangs at up to 49' height

Arches, chimneys and overhangs at up to 49' height

More bouldering than any other gym in Mississauga including a large bouldering cave

More bouldering than any other gym in Mississauga including a large bouldering cave

Dozens of Routes to test your skill, endurance and power

Dozens of Routes to test your skill, endurance and power

Autobelays galore for those days when you don't have a climbing partner

Autobelays galore for those days when you don't have a climbing partner

First Visit

Things to expect if you are an experienced climber visiting Hub for the first time.


Please fill out the online waiver BEFORE you visit. All people entering, whether climbing or just spectating need a waiver. Fill out facility introduction within 2 days of your visit.


Please arrive at least 15-20 minutes before you intend to begin climbing, in order to check in and get your orientation*


Be sure to bring identification with you on your first visit to Hub Climbing. A valid driver’s license or similar photo ID that includes your date of birth is best.

*Orientations and tests are transferable between Hub locations. If you have an orientation, test or lesson at one Hub location it will be valid in the other location.
Hub orientations and testing procedures may seem more rigorous than those employed at other indoor climbing facilities. Although you may know much of the content, there will likely be some helpful safety reminders for you.
Hub enforces a no bare foot policy and a shirts-always-on policy
Food and drink (other than H2O) are not allowed beyond the reception station

Please note that rope skills & belay training from another gym will not be accepted. There are no “refresher” courses offered. The integrity of Hub’s certification system is dependent upon all visitors receiving the same information and being evaluated using the same processes.

Facility Overview



square foot building


auto-belay stations


lead-only climbs


top-rope climbs


foot speed wall


foot high climbing walls

Hub Climbing Testimonials

Been ages since I climbed and loved the fact they have top rope, auto belays, and bouldering all under one roof. Plus the height on the climb made them that much more fun. Overall feel the setting was done great for the levels.


Try Hub Climbing

Day Pass


+HST. Rentals not included.

All day In/Out privileges. Perfect for individuals and groups of under 5 people. Climb for as long as you want throughout the day. You can even pop out to grab a bite before coming back to climb!

Sign a Waiver
Belay Test


Free for climbers with a valid top rope belay accreditation.

In order to belay at Hub Climbing you will need to pass our Belay Safety Test.

  • Duration ~10 minutes
  • 2 person minimum. You must take the test with a partner.
  • Cost: $5.00 + HST if proof of accreditation from another gym or guide is not available.  This test is free for those who present a valid picture ID and a valid accreditation card from another climbing centre in Canada or the United States, or with proof that the climber has completed outdoor climbing courses from a qualified guide (ACMG, FQME, or European cards will be accepted at the discretion of Hub staff).
  • Belay tests are available during limited hours.  Please schedule your slot at this link.  If you walk-in there may be a wait time.
  • This test requires demonstration of the skills taught in Hub’s 1 Hour Introductory Lesson.
  • You’ll need to properly wear and inspect your harness, tie and inspect figure 8, figure 8 followthrough, and stopper knots, and properly a thorough safety check on one’s climbing partner, belay and lower your climber using a Petzl Grigri.
  • Figure 8 knots are not pre-tied, and Grigris must be attached to the belayer’s harness.
  • If you’re unfamiliar with any of the concepts listed above or need a refresher, book a Top Rope Belay Lesson.
  • Passing this test permits you to belay at all Hub Climbing locations. This certification is not transferable to other climbing gyms or outdoor climbing.
  • Ages 16* and up.  If you are unable to pass the test, you may test again on your next visit.
  • We recommend coming in at least 3 hours before the facility closes to ensure you still have time to climb after passing the test.

*If belayer is under 18, a valid Hub Stripes test required prior to taking this belay test

**$2.50 for replacement climbing certification tags

Apply Here
Lead Climbing & Lead Belay Test


  • Before leading in the Hub facility, you must pass our lead test. Lead certification from other facilities do not qualify you at Hub Climbing.
  • You will be tested on safety related aspects of lead climbing. The test will include demonstrating your understanding and knowledge of wearing a harness, knots, proper clipping, clipping errors, body positioning, climbing stance, falling, belaying, rope management, catching.
  • The fee for the test is $19.90 plus HST.  This fee is not refundable.
  • The price is discounted to $14.90 plus HST for climbers who present a valid picture ID and a valid accreditation LEAD CLIMBING from another climbing center in Canada or the United States, or with proof that the climber has completed outdoor climbing courses from a qualified guide (ACMG, FQME, or European cards will be accepted at the discretion of Hub staff).
  • The lead test must be done in pairs or you must bring a Hub certified lead belayer on your test with a maximum 35% weight difference.
  • Hub Climbing does not provide or rent lead equipment. Please bring your own lead equipment including a dynamic rope (at least 40 meters), Grigri/Neox and carabiner.
  • Prior to lead climbing you will be asked to sign a lead waiver as there are unique risks with lead climbing.  This certification is not transferable to other climbing gyms or outdoor climbing.
  • There is a limit of 2 attempts for our lead test, before a lead lesson will be required to be taken at our facility.
  • 2nd attempt is free of charge

Age: 16 +
If under 18 you must have valid stripes test and already have top rope certification at our facility.

Time: 30 minutes

**$2.50 for replacement climbing certification tags

Please email mississauga@hubclimbing.com in advance to book a lead test

Lead Climbing Course


    • Two 3-hour lessons
    • 2 Participants – Must be partnered as we do not pair individuals
    • Please fill out the google form to be added to the list.

Those taking this class are expected to provide their own equipment:

  • a dynamic climbing rope (at least 40m)
  • a GriGri by Petzl with locking carabiner (cross loading prevention recommended)
  • we do not accept ATCs but will accept a NEOX
  • Ohm if applicable

At the completion of the Lead Climbing Course, a lead test will be scheduled in order that participants can demonstrate that they have retained what they have learned. There is no charge for the Lead test for those who have taken their Lead Climbing Course at Hub Climbing. Completing the lead course does not guarantee that participants will pass the lead test.

Please only sign up when you meet these requirements:

  1. You are experienced with Top Rope belaying and climbing and also have a partner (maximum 35% weight difference).
  2. You have sufficient strength/endurance to climb 8 to 10 routes in the 5.7 to 5.9 range during each 3-hour session.
  3. You are able to onsite 5.9 and redpoint 5.10- at our Mississauga facility. There may be some variation in grading between our facilities, We recommend that you climb at our Mississauga facility prior to signing up, to ensure that you can complete a 5.9.

Our lessons are designed to prepare climbers to lead climb and belay indoors only. Those interested in climbing outdoors will need further instruction. We strongly recommend hiring a properly-accredited professional outdoor climbing instructor to learn the additional skills needed to climb safely outdoors.

Discounted: for Hub Climbing members.

Apply Now
Try Hub Climbing - 2 months prepaid Special


Visit front desk to sign up


  • 2 months of access to Hub Climbing Mississauga,
    • over 30,500 sq. feet of space
    • up to 49 foot walls,
    • climbing routes for all levels, including many for the absolute beginner
  •  2 months of free rentals of the gear you need to climb, including:
    • climbing shoes
    • harness
    • (Rentals $30/month after promotion)
  • Eligible at time of purchase to add belay lesson for $15 (72% savings)
  • If you are totally new to Hub you are also eligible to get 25% off the start of a new month to month membership afterwards (This is only available for people who have not had a membership with Hub Climbing)
  • Be done with rentals: Take advantage of our 15% off harness and shoes package promotion, sale on now featuring the hottest climbing brands Black Diamond, Evolv, Scarpa

*Limited time offer. Belay lesson add-on must be used only for the member with the 2 month membership, can’t be transferred. Belay lesson must be used in the 60 day period and cannot be refunded. HST not included in above rates. Discount on subsequent (new) membership only available within 7 days of expiration of Intro membership.

*Access only to Hub Climbing Mississauga

*As this product is significantly discounted it may not be frozen. Ask front desk for more details.

Learn to Top Rope Belay


+HST (Day Pass not included)

Learn the skills to independently top rope belay your partner or child so you can access the many amazing top rope challenges only found here at Hub Climbing Mississauga. Ages 16+

Bonus: climbing shoes, as well as a harness and necessary hardware, are included!
Member Discount: $27 + HST

Book Now
*Prices listed on the website subject to change without notice. All prices exclude HST.

A Day Pass

Hub guests using day passes self-supervise and enjoy these types of climbs:

Speed climbing for beginners

Speed Climbing For Beginners

Check it out!

Become a Member

Join our community of climbers!

Membership Options